Prime Health Care
5650 Tomken RD. Suite 8, Mississauga ON L4W 4P1 Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 9am-7pm Sat: 10am-3pm +1 905 602 8998 +1 905 602 8997

Acupuncture Needle

Acupuncture Needle

Acupuncture Therapy is a Traditional Chinese Medicine technique that incorporates small needles which are inserted at specific acupuncture points on the body reducing pain and enhancing the performance of body systems. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncture achieves this through removing blockages from the vital energy pathways in our bodies which are referred to as Meridians. Taking care of you through each step of the process, trained therapists gently insert the needles into the specific acupuncture points on these pathways to remove blockages to vital energy flow to restore your mental and physical state. At Prime Healthcare our licensed healthcare providers individualize your specific treatment plan.

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