Prime Health Care
5650 Tomken RD. Suite 8, Mississauga ON L4W 4P1 Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 9am-7pm Sat: 10am-3pm +1 905 602 8998 +1 905 602 8997

Attendant Care / In Home

An Attendant Care Assessment is a type of medical evaluation that focuses on assessing the patient's overall ability to perform day-to-day activities necessary to live independently. At Prime Healthcare this type of evaluation will typically be conducted following an illness or injury to help clinicians identify the areas in which the patient may need support, such as in-home support which ensures continued safety and quality of life.

The Attendant Care Assessment consists of an occupational therapist identifying the patient's ability to perform tasks related to personal care (eating, dressing, cleaning, etc), as well as tasks that are higher in complexity such as exercising or financial planning, and medication administration, among others.

Once all the necessary tasks are completed, our occupational therapist will recommend an appropriate in-home care treatment plan. Treatment plans vary depending on various factors related to the patient such as ability and age, among many other factors.  Treatment plans can include assistance provided by a caregiver or providing certain physical aids and appliances designed to facilitate your specific needs allowing for a more independent life.

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